Many times, the Bible mentioned itself as a mystery, or preferably sacred secret/ truth, which can only be revealed by Helper. A secret is something known by someone, in this context, God. Helper helps me to put this in words for better understanding.
Out of the box idea starts from creativity.
Revelation starts from curiosity.
Reading the Word for the sake of reading, will only be as superficial as it gets, meaning you are merely scratching the surface, or taking things at face value.
Reading the Word like men digging for hidden treasures, will accelerate & move you up years ahead in your spiritual growth.
The PRINCIPLE of looking beneath the surface describes the type of person who Jesus was, is and will be, and how He wants His disciple to follow, likewise.
Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.
John 7:24 NLT
Every time i mine for hidden treasures in the Word, CURIOSITY is God’s gift/ resource that i tap into.

One more thing. Good that others, like me, your pastors, your church leaders, can dig out these hidden treasures for you to listen & read, God wants you to dig these hidden treasures YOURSELF, so that a personal relationship with Him can make meaningful impact & spiritual connection to you, in a way that will blow your mind in awe. By the way, one very important thing you need to know. DO NOT DO THINGS THAT YOU LIKE, do what Helper tells you to do. Because He knows God, more than you do. You will need this, one day.
No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit.
1 Corinthians 2:11 NLT
With these in mind, i trust you will know what to do every time you attend a personal or group Bible study, you will know how to prepare yourself, and respond to the Word.
Use curiosity.
If you are interested in digging deep into the Word, fyi, i have started an online class since April 2020. It takes us more than 6 months to finish the Gospel according to John, on a 2 hourly weekly basis, minus 1 month cumulative breaks in between, (duration may not be a good measurement, the only way is for you to join and experience the depth that we go), or …
If you want a system to help you read the Word on your own, or need 1 on 1 support,